On the Edge of Luminance


On March 2nd of last year, a car accident left me unconscious for over 15 minutes on the scene and could have easily taken my life. A day later, drifting in and out of sleep and trying to recover my mind, these words came to me and offered me a way to vent my fear and confusion.  I found this note much later on my phone “Notes” app and it was a bit like reading a note from a different me from a timecaplsule I had forgotten I had buried.



Insanity pervades and paints the air with a vibrancy of disorder. Discord persists like a living sea. Frothing, foaming, tossed about, from its depths spring thoughts without restraint.

Upon this fragile web I weave… thoughts suspended in their web… caught and bound by their gossamer wings, nearly lost to their pounding against strings of their own making.

The warmth of a touch grounds it all, lest my mind spiral into unmaking…flesh brings peaceful limit to an expanse quickly growing unmanageable.

The warmth of “now” makes its impression known, a welcome authoritarian. The author of meaning, the moment of now, peace in a breath caught and exhaled.

Like the spent and broken wing of a moth gives tragic  witness to the sprites exorbitant efforts to overcome… so to, these words give witness to my mind touching flight with sod weary wings… like a moth on the edge of luminance, leaving only tattered wings as evidence of a journey of aspiration.
